A rather abstract view from within an smith's forge: there are glowing coals around around the corners of the image and in the middle a blob of molten metal, embers in the air
The golden parts of the Nebra Sky Disk (moon, sun, stars) flying towards the disk.
The Nebra Sky Disk in it's first form, without the golden horizon attachments at the sides which where added later. The  golden moon is glowing.
3D rendered scene of the sunrise seen in Goseck, a wooden sun observatory from the Neolithic
Close-up of the Nebra Sky Disk in the foreground and illustrations of sun barks from Northern Europe, Egpyt etc.
3d-scene with a golden boat in a nightly landscape seen from up high, there are islands with forests and a cut out moon and stars in the sky.

3D – Neufassung der Nebra-Fulldome-Show

Neufassung der bestehenden Fulldome-Show für die Arche Nebra / Burgenlandkreis. Der 20-minütige Film veranschaulicht die astronomischen Inhalte der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra.

Produziert und geschnitten von Jakob Laugs, ich war unter anderem für 3D-Modelling, Animation, Layout und Grafikdesign verantwortlich. Lukas Christiansen hat die Stonehenge und Pömmelte-Szenen übernommen, Kristina Gehrmann die Panoramen beigesteuert.

(Das Endformat war natürlich Fulldome, die Standbilder sind nur zur besseren Ansicht in 16:9.)

3D – Reboot of the Nebra Fulldome Show

Reboot of the existing fulldome show for the Arche Nebra / Burgenlandkreis. The 20-minute film illustrates the astronomical findings about the Nebra Sky Disk.

Produced and edited by Jakob Laugs, I did 3D-modeling, layout and graphic design. Lukas Christiansen was responsible for the Stonehenge and Pömmelte scenes, panoramas were created by Kristina Gehrmann.

(The final format was obviously fulldome, the stills are in 16:9 here for easy consumption on a flat screen.)