Screenshot of a 3d scene showing a street at sundown. In the distance there is a cityscape with lots of high-rise buildings with trees and greenery growing on them. The street has lots of green as well, tiny garden plots where maize and tomatoes are growing a, child is suspended in mid-air while jumping into a pool, cars have been repurposed to flower beds, there are wind turbines, solar panels and vertical gardens on the houses, some people are chilling in a cafe or reading on a bench.
Screenshot of Utopia Still, showing a hijabi skater frozen in time as they jump over a cat running across the street.
Screenshot from Utopia still showing a cafe scene: A woman is sitting on a bench, another person in a wheelchair is waiting for their drink watching the sunset over the water. A third person is just tripping over the doorstep, a tray with two coffees she was carrying are suspended in mid-air coffee spilling out of the cups.

The café has a black sign on its roof saying „Evil Corp. Soulless Chain Cafe – Destroying a Neighbourhood Near You“ over which someone sprayed „Neighbourhood Cafe“.
Screenshot from Utopia Still, showing an old person next to a cargo bike full of fruit waving at a woman on a bike wearing a helmet.
Screenshot from Utopia still showing a bus driving down the street and a big advertising poster that has a black background and white type saying „Buy, Work, Die.“ over which someone has sprayed „Think, Create, Live!“ with pink spray paint. In the lower right the poster says: „Another friendly subliminal message brought to you by your Corporate Overlords(tm)“. Someone has sprayed „lol, remember capitalism?“ with bright blue spray paint next to it.
Screenshot from UtopiaStill showing a bus and corn plant and a tree in the front as well as 3d type on the water spelling out „utopia still“.

3D – Utopia, Still

„Utopia, Still“ ist ein utopisches 3D-Diorama, das im Zuge der Ausstellung „Call for Stories“ zum 42. Geburtstag des Chaos Computer Club entstanden ist und auf dem 38C3 präsentiert wurde.

Die Ausstellung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, positive chaotische (ganz im Sinne des CCC) Aussichten auf die Zukunft aufzuzeigen, ein Thema, das mir sehr am Herzen liegt, da in den Medien nicht-apokalyptische Zukunftsperspektiven sehr rar sind.

Ich wollte eine lebenswertere Vision des Lebens in einer Stadt erkunden, die etwas mehr in Harmonie mit den Menschen und der Natur (Tiere, Insekten etc.) ist. Ich liebe die Natur, aber lebe selbst in einer Stadt und denke, dass die Menschheit größtenteils in Städten leben wird (es gibt einfach so viele von uns). Gibt es also eine Möglichkeit, dass wir alle gemeinsam existieren können?

Der Source-Code kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Es gibt ausführbare Dateien für
Mac (ungetestet) und

Eine Liste der benutzten Assets kann auf der Projektseite eingesehen werden.

„Utopia, Still” is a a utopian 3d-panorama that was developed for the exhibition „Call for stories“ in celebration of the 42nd birthday of the Chaos Computer Club and shown at 38C3.

The exhibition’s goal was creating positive, chaotic (in line with the club’s ethics) visions of the future and this is something close to my heart since we don’t get many of those.

So I wanted to explore a vision of living in a city that is a bit more in harmony with nature and the people (and animals, insects etc). I love nature a lot but I do live in the city and I think humanity will largely live in cities in the future (there’s just so many of us), so is there a way we can all exist together?

The source code can be downloaded here. There are executables for
Mac (untested) and

A list of used assets can be viewed at the project’s website.