Landscape illustration with a lake in the foreground and a giant yellow monster head in the background. The monster's mouth is open and you can see the stars inside it's mouth, it has rainbows coming out of its ears and the landscape is wintery on the left and summery on the right.
Another landscape with a mountain with lots of streams in the middle, a lake on the right and a wandering mushroom creature as well as a rainbow pointing towards a treasure on the right.
A badger sleeping beside a lake, while a bear and a heron are bathing in it. Next to the lake a cassette recorder character is partying with a bunch of autumn leaves in a wood.
On the other side of the wood, a raccoon, a bear, a fox, an owl creature and a dragon are sitting by a camprfire, while a ghost, a unicorn and a dwarf on a flying book are enjoying a wintery landscape.
Close-up of the wintery side of the lake with a ghost in the woods, a small bird on a sword in a stone and a bird ice-skating on an ice floe.
Close-up of the wintery part with the unicorn and the ghost.
Close-up of the campfire scene.
Close up of the lake scene with a house on a bee and a rowing mouse.
Close-up of the mountain scene with a fox, a cosmic whale and a mouse that looks surprised by it's crown?
Close-up of the scene with the mushroom creature.
Photo of the illustration printed on a cargo bike, this is the front with the yellow giant and the lake.
Photo of one side of the bike with the mushroom creature and the whale.
Photo of the other side and back with the mountain scene and the badger by the lake.
Frontal view of the side of the bike with the campfire and the winter scene.
Detail photo of the mouse with the crown behind on the the bike's spokes.

Illustration – Bellabike

Ich hatte die Ehre eine Illustration für das Lastenrad von Bellabike für einen Freund zu gestalten.

Sie enthält diverse Hommagen an Illustrator*innen, die ich verehre (und die übliche Dosis schlechter Wortspiele ^__^).

I had the amazing opportunity to do a custom illustration for the freight bicycle from Bella Bike of a friend of mine.

There are quite a few hommages to illustrators I admire in there (and also my usual dose of bad puns/wordgames ^__^).